So, WoW (World of Warcraft) itself is a huge community. Within the massive community lies smaller communities, the Guilds. Also, since the playerbase in WoW is divided in two factions, the Horde and the Alliance, these two also form their own communities. Between these two, there are constant power struggles. Actually no, its not a struggle. Its a rivarly mostly. The two factions fight againts each other. The players call this PvP, which stands for Player versus Player. So, the point is, there are players on both factions that do participate in PvP battles, thus creating another community within the game, the PvPers. This only occurs on the servers that aren't solely directed at PvP.

Lets review. We've got WoW as the cake. The cake is divided in two halves (the factions, horde and alliance). Both halves have multiple slices that can be Guilds, PvP groups etc.

To be continued...